Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. What Security Software Do You RecommendWhat security software should I use What anti virus is the bestBitdefender Total Security 2010 Crack Only CpyHow about a firewall And what about spyware Should I use one of the all in one packages that claim to do everything Is there anything else I need As you might imagine, I get questions like this all the time. Bitdefender Total Security 2010 Crack Only SketchupDownload Bitdefenders awardwinning antivirus products advanced realtime protection against the latest virus threats. Try them for free Kaspersky Lab develops and markets antivirus, internet security, password management, endpoint security, and other cybersecurity products and services. It is the. As a result, I do have recommendations for security software and techniques to stay safe in various articles all over Ask Leo To make your life a little easier, heres a short version that sums it all up. The short short version. Most home and small business users who dont want to think about it too much should simply Get a router, even if you have only one computer. This will be your primary firewall. Use Windows Defender, already installed in Windows 8, 8. Microsoft Security Essentials for earlier versions of Windows. This will be your anti virus, anti spyware, and malware scanner. Turn on Windows Update to keep your computer as up to date as possible. Turn on Windows Firewall when you travel perhaps just leave it on all the time. Thats it. Good basic protection in four steps with only one download. Basic security software Windows Defender. Windows Defender comes pre installed in recent versions of Windows. It does a fine job of detecting malware, does so without adversely impacting system performance, and does so without nagging you for renewals, upgrades, or up sells. It just does its job quietly in the background exactly what you want from your anti malware tool. The ratings game. Every so often, Windows Defender comes under fire for rating lower than other security packages in tests published online. As a result, every so often I get push back often angry push back that Windows Defender remains my primary recommendation. There are several reasons I stick to that position. No anti malware tool will stop all malware. Malware can and does slip by even todays highest rated packages. Highest rated changes, depending on the date, the test, and whos doing the testing. There is no single, clear, consistent winner. Regardless of how the data is presented, the differences among detection rates across most current anti malware tools is relatively small compared to other factors. There are also some very practical reasons I continue to prefer Windows Defender. Its free. Its already installed in Windows 8 and later theres nothing you have to do. In practice, it rarely impacts system performance. It integrates with Windows Update to keep itself up to date. It has no additional agenda its not going to pester you with renewals, upgrades to more powerful versions, or up sells to tools you just dont need. Its not perfect, but no security tool is. Thus my recommendation stands. Windows Defender remains a solid, free anti virus and anti spyware package with minimal system impact, and should be appropriate for almost anyone. Alternatives and additions. On the other hand, I fully recognize that Windows Defender might not be the right solution for everyone. No single product is. This is where I run into some difficulty trying to make recommendations. The landscape keeps changing. Tools that were once clearly free, have on more than one occasion, moved to promoting their paid product so heavily that the free version virtually disappears. People download and install programs thinking they are truly free only to discover, instead, a free trial, or a free download if you want to keep it past a certain length of time youre required to hand over money. Some programs have become as much self promotion tools as they are anti malware tools, bombarding you with sales pitches and upgrade offers to the point of getting in the way of your work. Things keep changing. So to the extent that I mention specific tools below, caveat emptor let the buyer beware. I cant honestly predict that the tools will remain recommendation worthy. Malwarebytes Anti Malware has evolved over the years from a tool that defied categorization not really anti virus, not really anti spyware, but still catching things that other tools did not to a full featured anti malware package. Whats important is that it continues to have a very good track record of removing troublesome malware that other packages sometimes miss. Spybot Search and Destroy is one of the longest running and highly regarded anti spyware tools out there. Like Malwarebytes, it has also expanded to be a more fully featured anti malware tool. I used it for many years myself back in its anti spyware days. AVG, Avira, and Avast, or the three AVs, as I like to call them, are three other free solutions that Ive recommended over the years. Caveats with all. I need to reiterate some important points. Im referring to the FREE version of each of these tools, not the Free Trial. In several cases they are two completely different downloads. A free trial is just that a trial, typically of a more fully featured product. Unless you know otherwise, the truly FREE version of these tools would be my recommendation. Regardless of which you download, you are still likely to be faced with upgrade and up sell offers to a more fully featured version, or even an ongoing subscription. Unless or until you know you want this, always decline. Speaking of declining when installing any of these products, always choose custom installation never the default. You may well get toolbars and other unrelated software you simply dont need or want. Consider using Ninite to install these tools all are available there. Offline scanner. If your machine becomes infected with malware of some sort, theres a good chance that you wont be able to actually download anything, because the malware will prevent it. That means you wont be able to download the latest update of your anti malware tools, or perhaps be able to run them at all. When that happens, you need an offline malware scanner. An offline scanner is simply a complete anti virus and anti spyware scanning tool that you download and burn to CD or DVD, or place on a USB memory stick, using another computer. You then boot the infected machine from the media you created and run the scanner. The infected Windows doesnt run at all and the scanner can check, change, or repair more than the a normal scanner could. I recommend Windows Defender Offline for this purpose. Unfortunately, its not something you download and keep ready to use. In order to make sure youre running the most recent update of the tool and its database of malware, its important to download it when you need it. What else Firewall. For home and business use, I recommend the use of any good NAT router as a firewall. They dont have to be expensive, and are one of the simplest approaches to keeping your computer safe from network based threats. If all the computers on the local network side of the router can be trusted, theres no need for an additional software firewall. When traveling, or if you dont trust the kids computer connected to the same network as your own, I recommend turning on the built in Windows Firewall. In recent versions of Windows, its likely already on by default. Theres often no harm in leaving it on, but it can occasionally get in the way of some local machine to machine activities like sharing files and folders. I strongly recommend you back up regularly. In fact, I cant stress this enough. I hear about could be completely avoided simply by having up to date backups. Macrium Reflect and Ease. Should You Use This Antivirus UPDATED Oct. Kaspersky Lab. UPDATED Oct. Kaspersky Labs internal investigation. UPDATED Nov. 1. 6 with final results of Kaspersky Labs internal investigation. The allegations that Kaspersky Lab spied on its customers on behalf of Russian intelligence services, as was reported in top American newspapers this past week, are very serious and threaten the future of the antivirus maker even if no conclusive proof has been offered and no one making the accusations has been willing to speak up in public. Credit Jaggat RashidiShutterstock. Here at Toms Guide, we still recommend Kaspersky antivirus software for home users who dont work in any industries involved with national security. But we sent questions to several information security experts, ranging from a former NSA staffer to a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, for their opinions on whether they considered Kaspersky software safe to use. My firm is recommending that our customers, who largely are financial companies, uninstall Kaspersky AV. Dave Aitel, Immunity Inc. Most of our respondents agreed that people who work in government or critical infrastructure industries should not use Kaspersky software. One said he was telling everyone to remove it. My firm is recommending that our customers, who largely are financial companies, uninstall Kaspersky AV, said Dave Aitel, a former NSA staffer and the founder, owner and chief technology officer of Immunity Inc., an information security consultancy. There is no plausible innocent explanation for the information that has been presented. Other security experts we spoke to werent ready to condemn the company without seeing the evidence. But they added that weve got just as much to fear from Chinese vendors and that most modern antivirus software, not just Kasperskys, could be abused to become an espionage tool. I havent seen anything which makes me think that its any more dangerous to run Kaspersky than any other major antivirus product. Graham Cluley, independent security consultant. MORE Best Antivirus SoftwareI havent seen anything which makes me think that its any more dangerous to run Kaspersky than any other major antivirus product, Graham Cluley, an independent security blogger and former staffer at the antivirus maker Sophos, told us. Kaspersky might be being singled out because the company is Russian, and that doesnt sit too well in the current geopolitical climate. John E. Pike, founder and director of Global. Security. org, a national security think tank, said Kaspersky antivirus software was probably safe to use, but he added that such products have too much spaghetti code for anyone to have confidence that they understand all that is going on under the hood. Strong, but unproven, accusations. Libro Del Mal Amor Completo Pdf Merge. On Oct. 5, The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed current and former government officials, reported that in 2. Kaspersky antivirus software running on the home computer of an unnamed NSA staffer spotted NSA files that the staffer had brought home and put on his or her machine. The staffer broke the rules by taking the files home, but he or she is not suspected of espionage. The Kaspersky antivirus software somehow alerted Russian intelligence to the presence of the NSA files, and Russian spies then targeted the NSA staffers computer and copied files from the machine, according to the WSJ Its not clear exactly how Russian intelligence got access to Kaspersky data, or exactly what kind of NSA files the staffer had on his machine. NSA made malware would have been noticed by many antivirus products. Whichever antivirus product you use, you should configure it to NOT send data back to the vendor. Rob Graham, CTO, Errata Security. Late Tuesday Oct. The New York Times, also quoting anonymous sources, reported that Israeli spies who had hacked into Kasperskys internal networks in 2. Kaspersky software had been used to spy on the NSA staffer. The Israelis apparently turned what they had found over to the NSA. The Washington Post backed that allegation with its own story, and in 2. Kaspersky Lab itself had disclosed the Israeli hack of its own networks. On Oct. 1. 1, The Wall Street Journal came back with a second story, in which more or perhaps the same unnamed government officials told the paper that Kasperskys malware database, which looks for certain snippets of code in an attempt to catch malware, had been updated at a certain point to look for text strings that indicated U. S. intelligence documents. Such a text string might be TOP SECRET, or the code name of a known NSA or CIA operation or program. You could try turning off antivirus data collection. Rob Graham, head of information security consultancy Errata Security and creator of several security tools, had a suggestion for all antivirus users who might be worried about the software spying on them. For ordinary consumers, its probably as safe using Kaspersky as any other antivirus software, Graham told us. Whichever product you use, however, you should configure it to NOT send data back to the vendor. MORE Best Identity Theft Protection Services. Graham was referring to the telemetry, a feature of most antivirus programs that sends data about the customers machine to the antivirus companys servers for analysis, which, in turn, leads to quick responses to new malware. Kasperskys telemetry functions reportedly tipped off the Russian spies to the presence of NSA software on the NSA staffers home computer. Most antivirus software, including Kasperskys, lets you toggle off telemetry so that your machine, at least in theory, receives data from the antivirus company without sending any back. Because of telemetry, antivirus products have access to everything on the system and communicate constantly, states a blog post co authored by Roel Schouwenberg, a former Kaspersky Lab malware researcher who is now at Celsus Advisory Group, an information security consulting firm. They are effectively trusted implants. Kurt Opsahl, deputy executive director and general counsel at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital liberties advocacy group, agreed that telemetry is a risk, and not only to Kaspersky customers. Cloud based AV necessarily allows the AV software to see and report on whats on your machine and gives an opening to intelligence agencies to get that information, he told us. Kaspersky shows that this can actually happen, though something similar may well have happened elsewhere. Happy to work with the authorities of all nations. Within the global information security community, Kaspersky Lab is highly respected for the quality of its research, as well as for its willingness to share its findings, work with other antivirus companies and collaborate with police agencies against cybercrime. We at Toms Guide, as well as rival publications, have consistently rated Kaspersky antivirus software well for its excellent malware detection as borne out in regular lab tests, its low system performance impact and its useful extra features. As a young man, Eugene Kaspersky was educated at a KGB run technical academy, then served in Soviet military intelligence. Kaspersky Lab and Mc. Afee, along with Europol and the Dutch national police, created and run the No. More. Ransom. org website to help victims of encrypting ransomware protect and recover their data. Just yesterday Oct.