Connecting to My. SQL with PHP Tania Rascia. In this tutorial, were going to learn how to make the beginnings of a very simple database app, using PHP and My. SQL. It will be half of a CRUD application, which stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. A quick example of a CRUD application would be a database of employees for a company. From the control panel, an admin would be about to add a new employee create, view a list of employees read, change an employees salary update or remove a fired employee from the system delete. In this lesson, well only be creating and reading entries, but if it proves popular Ill make a part two. Looking up how to connect to My. SQL with PHP in Google will lead to a lot of outdated resources using deprecated code, and my aim is to create a very simple walkthrough that will leave you will a technically functioning app that uses more modern and secure methods. That being said, I leave you with the disclaimer that this tutorial is meant for beginner learning purposes there can always be improvements to security and maintainability for code in the real world. Prerequisites. A basic knowledge of HTML Well be using HTML forms. A basic knowledge of PHP Im going to do my best to simplify as much as possible, but you should already have an idea of how variables and strings work. Heres a basic guide to some of the fundamentals. A local PHP and My. SQL environment Click on the link for a mini tutorial on how to set one up. You will be using MAMP to install PHP and My. SQL on a Windows or Apple computer. Alternatively you can use Vagrant to set up LAMP on Ubuntu if youre more advanced. A database management app You can use Sequel Pro on a Mac, and SQLYog on Windows. These are graphical user interfaces GUI to view the content of your database. Installing Oracle Database 11G On Windows Tutorial 8. Goals. Connect to a My. SQL database with PHP using the PDO PHP Data Objects method. Create an installer script that creates a new database and a new table with structure. Add entries to a database using an HTML form and prepared statements. Filter database entries and print them to the HTML document in a table. All the code throughout this article can be found on Git. Hub. View on Git. There are a lot of people out there who call themselves LAMP developers short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. Thats the standard configuration for. I have MSSQL Server 2008, MS WINDOWS SERVER 2008 RC2 AND PHP 5. PHPPDOSQLSRV54NTS extensionphppdosqlsrv54nts. PHPPDOODBC. Hub. Step 1 Building the front end. To start, we have a PHP localhost set up, as mentioned in our prerequisites. Ive created one and called it db. Lets create a directory called public in the root of our project. In this tutorial you will learn how to write your own PHP MVC framework from scratch allowing you to isolate business, database and presentation logic with ease. Welcome. Theres a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and insecure code. PHP The Right Way is an. Hi experts, I am getting the following error when trying to connect to my Oracle Database via PHP using OCI8 Call to undefined function ociconnect Here. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Ive never used php before and am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2008 instance on a Windows machine running IIS7 and PHP5. I have downloaded and installed. Responses to How to Install Apache 2. MySQL and PHP on Windows Server 2012 R2. Hi Micheal, It looks like he is saving the output of the file to whichever directory this php code is located at. I might be wrong but the file name is timestamped. This is where Im going to put all my client facing code, or what would be pages accessible from the internet. We dont have a database set up or anything, but were just going to set up the HTML front end in order to be prepared to start interacting with that data. Index page and template partials. Our mainhome page will be located at index. Simple Database Applt title. Simple Database Applt h. Createlt strong lt a add a userlt li. Readlt strong lt a find a userlt li. Right now, all we have is a basic HTML skeleton that will link to our create and read pages. Heres what it looks like Since we want to keep our application relatively DRY dont repeat yourself, were going to divide our page into layout sections. Create a templates directory in public, and make a header. Youll take everything from the lt h. Simple Database Applt title. Simple Database Applt h. And heres the footer. All that remains in index. Createlt strong lt a add a userlt li. Readlt strong lt a find a userlt li. We want to include the header and footer code in all our front end pages, so well be using a PHP include function to pull that code in. Createlt strong lt a add a userlt li. Readlt strong lt a find a userlt li. Now the front end of our index file looks the same as before, but we have the reusable layout code that we can use in our other pages. Add a new user page. Now were going to make a file called create. This will be the page we use to add a new user to the database. Well start the file with our header and footer loaded in. Im going to create a simple form here that gathers the first name, last name, email address, age, and location of a new user. Add a userlt h. First Namelt label. Last Namelt label. Email Addresslt label. Agelt label. Locationlt label. Submit. lt a hrefindex. Back to homelt a. Youll notice that for each entry, I have a lt label, and each lt input has a name and id attribute. Whenever we create forms with HTML, we need to make sure theyre accessible for all users, and we do that by creating labels and associating each one to a specific. An input is associated to a label by its id. So why do I have namefirstname as well as idfirstname, if only the id is necessary to associate the input to the labelThe name attribute is how PHP identifies and utilizes the data of the input, which well start getting into further on in the article. Therefore both the name and id attributes are necessary, but for different reasons. Before I display the front end of the create. CSS and style is not a focus of this article, but Im going to add a line of CSS code to make the forms easier to read. We have not specified a form action, so pressing the submit button will perform the action on the same page. Since we havent written any PHP code to process the form yet, it wont do anything. Query users page. Finally, were going to create our read. Again, well start with the header and footer code. Then well add a small form for searching for users by location. Find user based on locationlt h. Locationlt label. View Results. Back to homelt a. Now you have all the front end code set up and we can start. Heres everything you should have so far. Heres a more visual representation of that. Step 2 Initializing the database. Now that we have a front end, were going to create the database. We could do this through the GUI of Sequel. Pro or whatever database manager were using, but I want to show you how to do it with actual SQL statements and PHP in an installer script. SQL Structured Query Language is a language used to communicate with a database. First, lets get into the database. Heres the login page for the front end of our database. Your host will be localhost or 1. Username and password will both be root. Entering that information in, you should be able to enter localhost. Create a directory called data and create a file called init. This will be our database initializing code. CREATE DATABASE test. CREATE TABLE users. INT1. 1 UNSIGNED AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY. VARCHAR3. 0 NOT NULL. VARCHAR3. 0 NOT NULL. VARCHAR5. 0 NOT NULL. VARCHAR5. 0. date TIMESTAMP. SQL is a relatively straightforward code, so even if youve never seen it before, it should be easy to understand. Heres what the above means in plain English Were going to create a database called test. Then were going to make sure were using test for the rest of our code. In the test database, well create a table called users with 7 fields inside id, firstname, lastname, email, age, location, and date. Next to each field is more information, options, and settings for each. INT this is an Integer. We specified INT1. AUTOINCREMENT this is a number that will automatically increase with each entry. VARCHAR meaning Variable Character, this is a string that can contain letters and numbers. The number inside is the max amount of characters allowed.