Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is an actionadventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 26 October 2004 for. In southern Florida, the city of Hollywood decided to open the citys three public parking garages for free to residents living in floodprone areas, according to. J_tevSzy_g/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Gta Vice City Russian Cars Crashing' title='Gta Vice City Russian Cars Crashing' />Melvin Harris, better known as Big Smoke, is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who. I just returned from Romania, where I fell in love with the countrys tough, squaredoff workhorse, the ARO 24 Series. I also developed deep feelings for the Dacia. Sean Sweet Johnson is the deuteragonist in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. He is the leader of. Sweet Johnson GTA Wiki. Sean JohnsonYou gotta love your hood like you love your homies. Its always been that way, and aint nothing ever gonna change, I done seen it all. Sweet Johnson to other GSF members in Grove 4 Life. Sean Sweet Johnson is the deuteragonist in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. He is the leader of the Grove Street Families and the older brother of protagonist. Carl Johnson. Description. Sweet is the leader of the Grove Street Families gang, which is based in Ganton, Los Santos. He is the eldest son of Beverly Johnson and the older brother of Carl, Kendl, and Brian. Sweet is also shown to have an unnamed girlfriend in two missions. Sweet is voiced by Faizon Love. His face is quite reminiscent to the iconic rapper, Ice Cube. History. Background. Sweet was born to Beverly Johnson and an unnamed father in Los Santos. He was later present at the births of his three younger siblings, Carl, Kendl, and Brian. Carl described Sweet as the man of the house, since they barely knew their father. Sweet was also often bringing necessary money to the family through robbing other people. After 1. 98. 7, Sweet became the leader of the Grove Street Families and recruited Big Smoke. Later on, Ryder and Carl joined the gang. His younger brother Brian died in an accident, which Sweet blamed on his other brother Carl this resulted in Carl leaving for Liberty City. Sweet then moved out into his own house, next door to his childhood home. As stated by Big Bear during a deleted dialogue between himself and CJ, after Brians death, and CJs departure, Sweet became a hard man to be with, and when the Seville Boulevard and Temple Drive sets split up from the Grove, Sweet didnt do anything about it, which was one of the major factors in Big Bears defection, and Grove Streets loss of power and influence. Throughout the game, Sweet is seen to have two different girlfriends, one of which Carl saved. However, since Sweet shows little to no attention when Carl throws his girl out near the end of the game, it is implied that Sweet and her are not in a relationship and he only has one girlfriend. Events of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Beverlys DeathNo Oh shit HellSweet running to his mothers home, after the drive by attack. Sweet Carl, its Sweet. CJ Hey, wassup, Sweet What you want. Sweet I think you better come home. Its Moms. shes dead, bro. Sweets call to Carl. Sweet continued to lead the Grove Street Families, whose influence began to decline as their rivals began to manufacture and sell drugs. His childhood friend, Big Smoke, attempted to convince him to start selling drugs to help the Grove Street Families, but Sweet refused. The Ballas, with whom Big Smoke and Ryder another childhood friend are now connected with, plot to kill Sweet and perform a drive by shooting at the Johnson House. The gang, however, instead miss Sweet altogether and kill his mother instead, which results in Carl Johnson returning from Liberty City. Carls ReturnThats another funeral you ran away from, fool. Just like Brians. Sweet to Carl. At the funeral, Sweet and his sister Kendl are reunited with their brother Carl. Sweet angered Kendl by insulting her boyfriend, and berated Carl for missing both their brothers and mothers funerals. Sweets dislike of Carl, prior to his return to Los Santos, is seen during The Introduction where he states that Carl has his own life, more than he deserves, and that he can rot in hell for all I give a fuck. Sweet didnt trust Carl for a short time, but he later realised his true intentions of staying and helping the Grove Street Families. This resulted in a more brotherly relationship. Sweet then decided to have Carl work for the gang, including to putting the gang tag across Los Santos poorer districts, killing some Ballas drug dealers, killing some Ballas attempting a drive by, and meeting an old friend and killing Ballas gang members in Jefferson. He also had Carl meet Kendls boyfriend Cesar Vialpando, member of the rival gang Varrios Los Aztecas, with Carl reporting that he will be good to Kendl. Sweets leadership and the gangs continued decline began to lead to factions within the Grove Street Families agitating to break away. This is shown during Sweets Girl, where Sweet phones his brother requesting help to escape from the Seville Boulevard Families, who are have cornered him and his girlfriend in Playa del Seville. Carl manages to rescue them and later Sweet arranges a meeting for the various factions, including the Temple Drive Families, which is interrupted by the police. The gang however, continue to do well despite the fractions with Carl taking control of Glen Park and killing. Kane, a high ranked Ballas member. Imprisoned. Sweet is later involved in a shootout with various Ballas members, who attack in seemingly endless waves of vans. He is shot during the shootout, but is saved from a premature death, due to the assistance of Carl and three other Grove Street Families members, although Carl does inform Sweet of the betrayal of Big Smoke and Ryder and their alliance with Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski of C. R. A. S. H. The police show up on the scene and arrest both Sweet and Carl. Sweet is later imprisoned in a prison hospital upstate but Carl is taken to Whetstone by Tenpenny, Pulaski and Jimmy Hernandez and begins his life in exile in the rural part of the state of San Andreas. Life while imprisonedSweet is alive. Alive and inside. Hes in a prison hospital being treated for gunshot wounds, awaiting trial. Frank Tenpenny. Carl continues to work his way up the criminal underworld in San Fierro and becomes aware of the Loco Syndicate, led by Jizzy B., T Bone Mendez and Mike Toreno, who are selling drugs to members of the Los Santos Vagos, who are in alliance with Big Smoke, the Ballas and the Russian Mafia. Carl begins working for them, allowing his new Triad allies to find out more about their dealings. Carl later kills Jizzy, T Bone Mendez and, or so he thought to be Mike Toreno, along with former ally Ryder. He later receives a phone call from an unknown man who reveals himself to be Mike Toreno, who had sent another man as a decoy during Torenos Last Flight. Carl begins to work for the government agent and his work is rewarded, as Toreno helps secure the release of Sweet, who is paroled during Home Coming. During his imprisonment, Sweet was taken upstate and placed in D wing cell 1. Mike Toreno in the mission Interdiction. The prisoner in his cell to the left was a child killer who wanted to rip his throat up and to the right a white supremacist who wanted to eat his heart. Mike Toreno also ensures Sweets safety during incarceration, as he assures to Carl that if he gets touched, a prison guard goes home and finds that his wife and kids have been murdered. Release from prisonThis is home, man. Get these fuckers out of moms house. You was born in there, DamnSweet. Sweet meeting Carl Johnson in Pershing Square after being released from prison, during Home Coming. Carl tells Sweet of his and Kendls new life in San Fierro and Las Venturas, trying to convince him to move away from the hood. Sweet, however, insists on returning to Ganton and, upon on their return, they retake control of the area. Sweet then accompanies Carl as the two re take. Glen Park and rescue Big Bear from the clutches of the drug dealer B Dup, with Sweet taking him to rehab. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is an action adventurevideo game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 2. October 2. 00. 4, for Play. Station 2, and on 7 June 2. Microsoft Windows and Xbox. A high definition remastered version received a physical release for both Xbox 3. Play. Station 3 on 3. June 2. 01. 5, and 1 December 2. It is the seventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series, and the first main entry since 2. Grand Theft Auto Vice City. It was released on the same day as the handheld game Grand Theft Auto Advance for Game Boy Advance. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is played from a third person perspective in an open world environment, allowing the player to interact with the game world at their leisure. The game is set within the fictional U. S. state of San Andreas, which is heavily based on California and Nevada. The state of San Andreas consists of three metropolitan cities Los Santos, based on Los Angeles San Fierro, based on San Francisco and Las Venturas, based on Las Vegas. The single player story follows Carl CJ Johnson, who returns home to Los Santos from Liberty City after his mothers murder. Carl finds his old friends and family in disarray, and over the course of the game he attempts to re establish his old gang, clashes with corrupt cops, and gradually unravels the truth behind his mothers murder. The plot is based on multiple real life events in Los Angeles, including the rivalry between the Bloods, Crips, and Hispanic street gangs, the 1. LAPD Rampart scandal, and the 1. Los Angeles riots. Considered one of the sixth generation of video gamings most significant titles, and by many reviewers to be one of the greatest video games ever made, San Andreas received rave reviews by many critics who praised the music, story and gameplay. It became the best selling video game of 2. Play. Station 2 game of all time. The game, like its predecessors, is cited as a landmark in video games for its far reaching influence within the industry. However, the violence and sexual content of San Andreas has been the source of much public concern and controversy. In particular, a player made software patch, dubbed the Hot Coffee mod, unlocked a previously hidden sexual scene. The next main entry in the series, Grand Theft Auto IV, was released on 2. Take That Download Back For Good there. April 2. 00. 8, also to critical acclaim. San Andreas has been ported to various other platforms and services, such as OS X, Xbox Live, Play. Station Network and mobile devices i. OS, Android, Windows Phone and Fire OS. Gameplay. The player driving a Banshee towards the Grove Street cul de sac in Los Santos around the afternoon. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is an action adventure game with role playing and stealth elements. Structured similarly to the previous two games in the series, the core gameplay consists of elements in a third person shooter and a driving game, affording the player a large, open world environment in which to move around. On foot, the players character is capable of walking, running, sprinting, swimming, climbing and jumping as well as using weapons and various forms of hand to hand combat. The player can drive a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, buses, semis, boats, fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, trains, tanks, motorcycles and bikes. The player may also import vehicles in addition to stealing them. The open, non linear environment allows the player to explore and choose how they wish to play the game. Although storyline missions are necessary to progress through the game and unlock certain cities and content, they are not required as the player can complete them at their own leisure. When not taking on a storyline mission, the player can freely roam and look around the cities of San Andreas, eat in restaurants, or cause havoc by attacking people and causing destruction. Creating havoc can attract unwanted and potentially fatal attention from the authorities. The more chaos caused, the stronger the response police will handle minor infractions attacking pedestrians, pointing guns at people, stealing vehicles, manslaughter, etc., whereas SWAT teams, the FBI, and the military respond to higher wanted levels. The player can partake in a variety of optional side missions that can boost their characters attributes or provide another source of income. The traditional side missions of the past games are included, such as dropping off taxi cab passengers, putting out fires, driving injured people to the hospital and fighting crime as a vigilante. New additions include burglary missions, pimping missions, truck and train driving missions requiring the player to make deliveries on time, and drivingflyingboatingbiking schools, which help the player learn skills and techniques to use in their corresponding vehicles. Not all locations are open to the player at the start of the game. Some locales, such as mod garages, restaurants, gyms, and shops, become available only after completing certain missions. Likewise, for the first portion of the game, only Los Santos and its immediate suburbs are available for exploration unlocking the other cities and rural areas again requires the completion of certain missions. If the player were to travel in locked locations early in the game, they would end up attracting the attention of SWAT teams, police, and police controlled Hydras if in an aircraft. Unlike Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City, which needed loading screens when the player moved between different districts of the city, San Andreas has no load times when the player is in transit. The only loading screens in the game are for cut scenes and interiors. Other differences between San Andreas and its predecessors include the switch from single player to multiplayer Rampage missions albeit not in the PC version, and the replacement of the hidden packages with spray paint tags, hidden camera shots, horseshoes, and oysters to discover. The camera, fighting, and targeting controls were reworked to incorporate concepts from another Rockstar game, Manhunt, including various stealth elements,4 as well as improved target crosshairs and a target health indicator which changes from green to red to black depending on the targets health. The PC version of the game implements mouse chording the player has to hold the right mouse button to activate the crosshairs, and then click or hold at the left mouse button to shoot or use an item, such as a camera. The player has a gunfight with members of an enemy gang. In addition, players can swim and climb walls for the first time in the series. The ability to swim and dive underwater has a great effect on the player as well, since water is no longer an impassable barrier that kills the player although it is possible to drown. For greater fire power, the player can also dual wield firearms or perform a drive by shooting with multiple gang members who can be recruited to follow the player. Due to the size of San Andreas, a waypoint reticle on the HUD map can be set, aiding the player in reaching a destination. Role playing game features in character development. Rockstar has emphasised the personalisation of the main protagonist by adding role playing video game elements. Clothing, accessories, haircuts, jewellery, and tattoos are available for purchase by the player, and have more of an effect on non player characters reactions than the clothing in Vice City.