Using Cucumber tests with Maven and Java Gooder Code. Hi kerry, We would like to use cuke. I tried to get the install of the cuke. Start Small, Because You Might Hate It. If youve never worked from home before, going whole hog from the start might lead to disaster. If your office environment. Activation Key For Adobe Photoshop Cs2. If you are the first time to use the work manager application, especially for 6. Work Manager 6. 3. WebIDE could not start. Orion executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library. Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP You can download and install SubInACL. Windows 2000. Install Nagios on Linux. How to Setup Nagios Monitoring Server on CentOSRHEL 765. Nagios is an open source, powerful monitoring system. Installing Apache Ant Getting Apache Ant The Short Story. To get up and running with the binary edition of Ant quickly, follow these steps Make sure you have a Java. Is anyone else here running Java 7 with Update 51 having troubles using the Cisco ASDM launcher Whenever I try to connect it says Unable to launch device manager. Note Trying to install the Java 2 Runtime Environment on a nonsupported version of Microsoft Windows or on a machine that doesnt have a sufficiently uptodate. I am not familiar with ruby, but assumed setting GEMHOME and adding jruby to the path would do. I did, please advise. M2HOME C wallettcuke. M2REPO variable in eclipse. C wallettcuke. C Documents and Settingsgnava. Dcucumber. install. Gemstrue cuke. 4duke cucumber. Error INFO Error opening script file C Documents and Settingsgnava. The system cannot find the path specified Needs JRUBY, download jruby bin 1. RC1. zip from http jruby. C wallettcuke. RC1 to path env still same error downloaded cuke. GEMHOME, GEMPATH pointing to C wallettcuke. RC1 loosks like it needs Gems, http docs. C wallettcuke. GEMHOME to point to C wallettcuke. GEMHOME and path as well still same error Kind Regards,Goutham Naval.