Note Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States. Download size. 1 GB. Download time. 2 minuteson broadband,1 day, 1. Full, installed Office 2. Word, Excel, Power. Point, One. Note, Outlook, Access, and Publisher. For 1 PC Windows 7 or later, business or home use. Easily save and store files in the cloud with One. Drive. Note Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States. Buy Office Professional 2. Microsoft Store Australia. Installation and FAQ How do I install Office Whats the difference between Office 3. Office 2. 01. 6 suites Office 3. Office applications, plus other services that are enabled over the Internet, including extra cloud storage with One. Drive and Skype minutes for home use. Install Sap Download Manager Linux. With Office 3. 65 you get the full, installed Office experience on PCs, Macs, tablets including Windows, i. Pad, and Android and smartphones. Office 3. 65 plans are available as a monthly or annual subscription. With Office 3. 65, upgrades are always included with your subscription. Office 2. 01. 6 suites, including Office Home Student and Home Business, include applications such as Word, Excel, Power. Point and One. Note they are available as a one time purchase for use on a single PC or Mac. The applications are not automatically updated to get the latest version, you must purchase Office again when the new version becomes available.