Sorry, page not found Please enable cookies and refresh the page. Fix Cannot Verify the License For This Product. No matter how much you spent on buying new MS office 2. Cannot verify the license for this product but rather than reinstall or inserting new product key follow this trick which will surely help you to reactivate office 2. What if you have done till now to activate MS office 2. Re Enter CD key. Install every single item you could select during the install. Pic_7.JPG' alt='Microsoft Office Unable To Verify License' title='Microsoft Office Unable To Verify License' />Removed CD key with office remover. Remove office reinstall office. Repair Office Program. Rebooted many times. With no luck Then try below method to activate it. Steps To Fix Microsoft Office 2. Cannot Verify The License For This Product Error Step 1. Open Command Prompt as administrator. Go to Start and Search for CMD do a right click on it then click on Run as administrator. Step 2. In command prompt navigate to C Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice. By typing following command in cmd cd. Hit Enter on you keyboardcd. Hit Entercd program files Hit Entercd microsoft office Hit Entercd office. Download Crack Virtual Pool 3 Demo there. Microsoft Office Unable To Verify License Bon' title='Microsoft Office Unable To Verify License Bon' />Hit Enter. If you are using the 6. C Program Files x. Microsoft OfficeOffice. Microsoft corporate office information. Including their headquarters address, phone number. Also, customer complaints and reviews. PDF files that contain the Visual Studio 2005 documentation. This July, we asked for software tips from the 2017 Microsoft Office National Champions, a set of charming teens who are officially the best at using PowerPoint, Word. Official Apache OpenOffice download page. Join the OpenOffice revolution, the free office productivity suite with over 225 million trusted downloads. Microsoft Toolkit 2. Or find similar folder according to your office versionStep 3. Now type cscript ospp. Enter on your keyboard. Above command will re register your office using the same product key. After that, you will get the following message into cmd window. This will activate your copy of MS Office program without any problem. Microsoft Office Unable To Verify License LaraIf you get an error that Software protection platform service is not running then enable Software Protection service form Services. Now reopen office 2. You can try this fix on other versions of office like office 2. Above solution will help you to fix Cannot verify the license for this product but if you are running pirated or non genuine version of Microsoft office 2. However, you can get the original product from amazon at very low cost, using an original product support the developers and keep you safe from the different type of malware which come along with pirated programs. Contact Microsoft Customer Service. Find Microsoft Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and Microsoft FAQ. Speak. Note In order to activate Office 2016 for Mac, you will need a valid and licensed Office 365 account or a Microsoft Account that is associated with a onetime purchase. Microsoft Office Unable To Verify License PharmacistIf you face any trouble during this process or have any question then comment below and do not forget to share this trick. Follow these steps to enable the service required for your combination of Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows. Office Software Protection Platform service. Shop Online for Microsoft 6GQ00752 Microsoft Office 365 Home Subscription 1YR and more at The Good Guys. Grab a bargain from Australias leading home appliance store. You can rearm Office 2013 SP1 to reset the time you have to activate Office. However, compared to previous Office versions, some things pertaining to this.