I had just installed cygwin on my win XP machine, new to unix learning things. How can I know which editor had been installed with cygwin installation on my. JAVA/JavaOnWindows/inc/WindozJunctions.png' alt='Patch Command Not Found In Cygwin' title='Patch Command Not Found In Cygwin' />Master the command line, in one page. Fluency on the command line is a skill often neglected or considered arcane, but it improves your flexibility and productivity as an engineer in both obvious and subtle ways. This is a selection of notes and tips on using the command line that weve found useful when working on Linux. Patch Command Not Found In Cygwin' title='Patch Command Not Found In Cygwin' />Some tips are elementary, and some are fairly specific, sophisticated, or obscure. This page is not long, but if you can use and recall all the items here, you know a lot. Learn basic Bash. Actually, type man bash and at least skim the whole thing its pretty easy to follow and not that long. Alternate shells can be nice, but Bash is powerful and always available learning only zsh, fish, etc., while tempting on your own laptop, restricts you in many situations, such as using existing servers. Learn at least one text based editor well. Ideally Vim vi, as theres really no competition for random editing in a terminal even if you use Emacs, a big IDE, or a modern hipster editor most of the time. Know how to read documentation with man for the inquisitive, man man lists the section numbers, e. Find man pages with apropos. Know that some commands are not executables, but Bash builtins, and that you can get help on them with help and help d. You can find out whether a command is an executable, shell builtin or an alias by using type command. Learn about redirection of output and input using and lt and pipes using. Know overwrites the output file and appends. Learn about stdout and stderr. Learn about file glob expansion with and perhaps See more on variable expansion below. Be familiar with Bash job management, ctrl z, ctrl c, jobs, fg, bg, kill, etc. Know ssh, and the basics of passwordless authentication, via ssh agent, ssh add, etc. Basic file management ls and ls l in particular, learn what every column in ls l means, less, head, tail and tail f or even better, less F, ln and ln s learn the differences and advantages of hard versus soft links, chown, chmod, du for a quick summary of disk usage du hs. For filesystem management, df, mount, fdisk, mkfs, lsblk. Learn what an inode is ls i or df i. Basic network management ip or ifconfig, dig, traceroute, route. Linuxlike environment for Windows making it possible to port software running on POSIX systems such as Linux, BSD, and Unix systems to Windows. News, documentation. Getting Started. This section describes how to build and run LAMMPS, for both new and experienced users. The mindfulness craze has already been tapped for a huge variety of benefitsimproved sleep, increased productivity, cutting out mindless snacking, etc. And we now. Learn and use a version control management system, such as git. Know regular expressions well, and the various flags to grepegrep. The i, o, v, A, B, and C options are worth knowing. Learn to use apt get, yum, dnf or pacman depending on distro to find and install packages. And make sure you have pip to install Python based command line tools a few below are easiest to install via pip. In Bash, use Tab to complete arguments or list all available commands and ctrl r to search through command history after pressing, type to search, press ctrl r repeatedly to cycle through more matches, press Enter to execute the found command, or hit the right arrow to put the result in the current line to allow editing. In Bash, use ctrl w to delete the last word, and ctrl u to delete the content from current cursor back to the start of the line. Use alt b and alt f to move by word, ctrl a to move cursor to beginning of line, ctrl e to move cursor to end of line, ctrl k to kill to the end of the line, ctrl l to clear the screen. See man readline for all the default keybindings in Bash. There are a lot. For example alt. Alternatively, if you love vi style key bindings, use set o vi and set o emacs to put it back. For editing long commands, after setting your editor for example export EDITORvim, ctrl xctrl e will open the current command in an editor for multi line editing. Or in vi style, escape v. Internet Explorer Active Directory Credentials Verification. To see recent commands, use history. Follow with n where n is the command number to execute again. There are also many abbreviations you can use, the most useful probably being for last argument and HISTORY EXPANSION in the man page. However, these are often easily replaced with ctrl r and alt. Go to your home directory with cd. Access files relative to your home directory with the prefix e. In sh scripts refer to the home directory as HOME. To go back to the previous working directory cd. If you are halfway through typing a command but change your mind, hit alt to add a at the beginning and enter it as a comment or use ctrl a, enter. You can then return to it later via command history. Use xargs or parallel. Its very powerful. Note you can control how many items execute per line L as well as parallelism P. If youre not sure if itll do the right thing, use xargs echo first. Also, I is handy. Examples pstree p is a helpful display of the process tree. Use pgrep and pkill to find or signal processes by name f is helpful. Know the various signals you can send processes. For example, to suspend a process, use kill STOP pid. For the full list, see man 7 signal. Use nohup or disown if you want a background process to keep running forever. Check what processes are listening via netstat lntp or ss plat for TCP add u for UDP or lsof i. TCP s. TCP LISTEN P n which also works on OS X. See also lsof and fuser for open sockets and files. See uptime or w to know how long the system has been running. Use alias to create shortcuts for commonly used commands. For example, alias llls latr creates a new alias ll. Save aliases, shell settings, and functions you commonly use in. This will make your setup available in all your shell sessions. Put the settings of environment variables as well as commands that should be executed when you login in. Separate configuration will be needed for shells you launch from graphical environment logins and cron jobs. Synchronize your configuration files e. Git. Understand that care is needed when variables and filenames include whitespace. Surround your Bash variables with quotes, e. FOO. Prefer the 0 or print. To iterate on filenames containing whitespace in a for loop, set your IFS to be a newline only using IFSn. In Bash scripts, use set x or the variant set v, which logs raw input, including unexpanded variables and comments for debugging output. Use strict modes unless you have a good reason not to Use set e to abort on errors nonzero exit code. Use set u to detect unset variable usages. Consider set o pipefail too, to on errors within pipes, too though read up on it more if you do, as this topic is a bit subtle. For more involved scripts, also use trap on EXIT or ERR. A useful habit is to start a script like this, which will make it detect and abort on common errors and print a message Know about here documents in Bash, as in cat lt lt EOF. In Bash, redirect both standard output and standard error via some command logfile 2 1 or some command logfile. Often, to ensure a command does not leave an open file handle to standard input, tying it to the terminal you are in, it is also good practice to add lt devnull. Use man ascii for a good ASCII table, with hex and decimal values. For general encoding info, man unicode, man utf 8, and man latin. Use screen or tmux to multiplex the screen, especially useful on remote ssh sessions and to detach and re attach to a session. A more minimal alternative for session persistence only is dtach. In ssh, knowing how to port tunnel with L or D and occasionally R is useful, e.