Like boxed wine, canned wine is looked down upon by wine snobs, but that shouldnt stop us regular folks from enjoying it. Canned wine is actually a much more. Wood Pipe Coffee Table Plans Kids School Desk Plans Wood Pipe Coffee Table Plans Wood Deck Plans For Above Ground Pool Cnc Bird House Plans. Drug Slang This list was originally compiled in the 1990s, with some recent updates. But street drug slang rapidly dates. A Bean MDMA Abe 5 worth of drugs. Smoking Crack Out Of A Metal Pipe' title='Smoking Crack Out Of A Metal Pipe' />Safer Smoking Crack and crystal meth PDF More from the Safer Use series. Author Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research. Reduce your risk of burns, infections, disease, overdose, nutrition problems and dehydration. How to Smoke a Tobacco Pipe. The art of pipe smoking is one of the oldest forms of tobacco use. The pipe remains a comforting approach often overlooked by. You and safer smoking. Smoking any illegal drug is risky because you can never know for sure whats in it or how it was made. Pipe smoking is the practice of tasting or, more uncommonly, inhaling the smoke produced by burning a substance, most commonly tobacco, in a pipe. But there are also risks involved in how you smoke. Here are some ways to reduce those risks. Before you start. Know your dealer. Its best to choose someone you feel safe with and who knows about the drugs they sell. Take vitamins or eat something. You may not feel like eating when high. Smoking Crack Out Of A Metal Pipe' title='Smoking Crack Out Of A Metal Pipe' />Find a buddy. Using alone means no one will be there to help you if you overdose. Find a safe place. Being relaxed and not in a hurry makes smoking easier and therefore safer. How To Install Wood Panel Flooring. Bring condoms and lube with you. Stimulant drugs can increase your sex drive. Clean your hands and your own mouthpiece. Use soap and water or alcohol swabs to wash away germs that could go in your mouth. To reduce risk. Start with a small amount. If you dont know how strong the drug is, this can help reduce your risk of overdose. Use your own mouthpiece or pipe. This will help you avoid getting or spreading infection. Use a shatterproof Pyrex pipe. Other pipes can get too hot or give off toxic fumes. Avoid using broken or cracked pipes. Damaged pipes can lead to burns, cuts and infections. Drink water, use lip balm and chew gum. These things will help keep your mouth moist and reduce cracks, blisters and risk of infection. When preparing to smoke meth. Make sure the drug is in the right part of the pipe bowl. If necessary, tap pipe gently. Avoid burning your fingers. Hold the pipe halfway down the stem. Apply heat to the bowl. Keep the heat source moving around until smoke fills the pipe so the bowl wont crack. When preparing to smoke crack. Use screens instead of Brillo steel woolBrillo can break apart and be inhaled, and its coating can make you sick. Pack five screens into your pipe. This is safest. If you prefer, its okay to wrap the brass screens completely around the Brillo and use them together as a screen. Use a wooden push stick. Wood is less likely than metal to damage the pipe. When smoking. Did you know. Eating when youre coming down will help you sleep. Inhale slowly. This will help prevent burning your lungs. Exhale immediately. Holding it in doesnt make the effects strongerit only hurts the lungs more. Handle the pipe with care. Itll be hot after using it. Signs of overdose. Feels like heart is pumping fastshort of breathhot, sweaty and shakychest painnauseafaintness. Looks like fast or no pulsefast or no breathinghot and sweaty skinconfusion, anxietyunconsciousvomitingseizures. If someone ODsIt is important to recognize the early symptoms of an overdose and seek medical assistance. Try to walk the person around, keep them awake. Roll the person on their side if unconsciousCall out for helpdo not leave the person. Call or get someone else to call 9. Tell paramedics as much as you can. Safer smoking products. Contact the health unit in your community for information about obtaining alcohol swabs, mouthpieces and push sticks. Visit Health. Link BC for locations, www. Getting help. Self help tools www. Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service 1 8. BC6. 04 6. 60 9. Greater VancouverAbout the author. The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, formerly CARBC, is a member of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information. The institute is dedicated to the study of substance use in support of community wide efforts aimed at providing all people with access to healthier lives, whether using substances or not. For more, visit www.