Tales To Astonish 35 Download Movies' title='Tales To Astonish 35 Download Movies' />Bruce Banner Earth 6. Marvel Database. Gallery Aliases. Dr. Bob Banner2World Breaker,3Captain Universe,4Professor,3War,5Joe Fixit,3Mr. Fixit,6Green Goliath,3Jade Giant,3 Jade Jaws,3Annihilator,3Mr. Green,3Green King,3Green Scar,3Holku,3Sakaarson,3 Green One,3 Eye of Rage,3 Harkanon,3 Haarg,3 Once Savage,3 Two Minds,3 Two Hands,3 Greenskin,3 Gray Goliath,3 Mighty Bob,3Mechano,7 Anti Hulk,3 Friday,3 Green Golem,3 Golem,3 Gray Hulk,citation needed Merged Hulk,citation needed Ol Green skin,citation needed Eye of Anger,citation needed Terran Behemoth,citation needed La Mole The Mass,8Bruce Barnes,3Bruce Smith,3Glenn Summers,3Ross Oppenheimer,3Bob Danner,9Bruce Ross,3Bruce Jones,3Bruce Roberts,3 Mr. Bergen,3Bruce Franklin,3Bruce Green,3Bruce Bancroft,1. Bruce Baxter,31. Bruce Davidson,31. David Bannon,3Robert Baker,3Bruce Bixby,3David Banner,3David Bixby,1. Kluh,1. 4Joseph Brown,1. Doc Green1. 5 Hulky 1. Affiliationformerly Ally of Hydra, The Hand unwillingly resurrected, Illuminati, Axis, Avengers, S. H. I. E. L. D. T. I. M. E., Secret Avengers, Incredible Hulks, Worthy, Warbound, Defenders, New Hulkbusters leader, Pantheon, Titans Three, The Order, Hulkbusters of Counter Earth, New Fantastic Four, Secret Defenders, Mighty Avengers, Horsemen of Apocalypse,1. Knights of the Atomic Round Table Occupation. Nuclear physicist, agent of S. H. I. E. L. D. former church janitor,1. Cara Membuat Software Faktur Penjualan on this page. Sakaar, rebel leader, gladiatorslave, adventurer, mechanic, leader of the Pantheon, enforcer, research scientist, stable hand, banker, ships crewman, farmhand, steelworker, assistant at special needs childrens school, waiter, dishwasher, carnival worker, ore miner, construction worker, janitor, coal miner, superhero Education. Ph. D. in Nuclear Physics and two other fields,3 California Institute of Technology Caltech2. This page contain Norman Lebrechts CDs of the Week from February 19, 2007 to March 4, 2014. For the latest Lebrecht Weekly, visit here. Despite being explicitly set in a galaxy far, far away, various sources have established what. Ultimate Avengers. Ultimate Avengers The Movie is the first film in the Marvel Animated Features based loosely on the first six issues of the Ultimates by Mark. Publication history. Groot first appeared in Tales to Astonish 13 November 1960, and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Groot appeared again in The Incredible. Height. 5 1. 0 as Bruce Banner 7 8 Savage Hulk, 66 Gray Hulk, 76 Merged Hulk, 88 Green Scar. Weight. 12. 8 lbs 5. Banner 1,0. 40 1,4. Savage Hulk, 9. 00 lbs Gray Hulk, 1,1. Merged Hulk, 2,4. Green Scar Unusual Features. Immense size and skinhaireyes dependent on Hulk type Savage Hulk greengreengreen Joe Fixit grayblackgray Merged Hulk greengreengreen Kluh blackwhitered Origin. Human whose molecular structure was transformed due to gamma radiation and trauma passed down by his father, and because of the gamma bomb which Bruce built, that exploded when he raced out onto the testing site while saving the life of Rick Jones thus becoming the Hulk. See Also Expanded History. Bruces mother killed by his father in blind fury. Early Years. Robert Bruce Banner is the son of Dr. Brian Banner, an atomic physicist, and his wife Rebecca. Although Rebecca deeply loved Bruce, who returned her affection, Brian hated their child. Brian never wanted children because of what happened to him and his sisters Susan and Elaine Banner. An alcoholic, and a very, very angry man, Brian was driven by an insane jealousy of Bruce for being an object of Rebeccas love. Further, Brian believed that his radiation work had altered his DNA and given him a mutant son. These factors led to Brian abusing Bruce physically. One of the people who helped Bruce cope with Brians tantrums was his maternal cousin Jennifer Walters, with whom Bruce used to spend summers in the public library reading for hours, losing themselves to books. Bruces life reached a turning point when Brian murdered Rebecca, and was placed in a mental hospital afterwards. After that, Bruce was raised by his aunt and fathers sister, Susan Banner, who understood his great pain and rage over his childhood sufferings. Susan raised Bruce with love and care, as if he were her own child. Susan never wanted to deal with her brother after what he had done to Bruce and Rebecca. Bruce, grew up as a highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a child prodigy. Tony and Bruce at Oxford University. After graduating from Science High School, Bruce studied nuclear physics in Navapo, New Mexico, at Desert State University as the star student of Professor Herbert Josiah Weller. He also studied for a time at Harvard University. He later transferred to Pennsylvania State University where he briefly worked with Canadian student Walter Langkowski finding a similar interest in gamma radiation. He also worked with Peter Corbeau, and Raoul Stoddard. It was during his time at Penn State that Banner found inspiration from noted scientist Albert Einstein and like the famous scientist, bought a wardrobe consisting entirely of purple suits. As a young student Bruce first met another student with a brilliant mind Tony Stark. They both attended Dr. Derenik Zadians Forward Thought Conference at Oxford University. This would lead to a life long scientific rivalry between the two. They also became best friends. They eventually teamed up and joined the Avengers. Bruce obtained his doctorate in nuclear physics at the Caltech, alongside Philip Sterns, who later became Madman. Physicist. Eventually, as an adult and a genius in nuclear physics, Banner wished to pursue philanthropic brands of science, but couldnt receive any financial funding for his projects,2. United States Defense Department nuclear research facility at Desert Base, New Mexico. There Banner met General Thaddeus E. Thunderbolt Ross, the Air Force officer in command of the base, and his daughter Betty Ross. Banner and Betty eventually fell in love with each other. Banner designed and oversaw construction of the Gamma Bomb or G bomb, a nuclear weapon possessing a high gamma radiation output. The Hulk. Banner was present in the instrumentation bunker at the test site for the first underground test detonation of the Gamma Bomb. Observing that a civilian had breached security and entered the restricted test area, Banner told his colleague Igor Starsky to delay the countdown while he tried to escort the civilian to safety. Starsky, secretly a Soviet agent, did nothing, confident that Banner would die in the explosion, bringing the project to a halt. Reaching the civilian, a teenager named Rick Jones, Banner threw him into a protective trench. Before Banner could get himself to safety, the Gamma Bomb detonated, and intense waves of radiation reached the surface. Banner was irradiated with highly charged radioactive particles. Due to an unknown genetic factor in his body, Banner was not killed by the radiation, which instead caused him to frequently transform into the vastly powerful, green skinned, humanoid monster named the Hulk. At first Banner changed into the Hulk at sunset and reverted to human form at dawn. However, Banners body eventually changed so that his transformations into the Hulk were triggered by the release of adrenalin when he became intensely excited or angry, no matter what time of day or night it was. Usually the Hulk possessed little of Banners memory and intelligence and was easily enraged. While the military attempted to contain Hulk, he thwarted their every attempt, with Rick Jones, feeling responsible for Banner becoming the Hulk, trying to help keep him away from the military. Hulk ultimately thwarted an attempt to destroy America by the Gargoyle, another being mutated by gamma radiation.