GRAPHIC CONTENT An active shooter has been reported at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Hotel, and at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival. Its unclear how many. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. If youre looking to use some vacation days, but youre not sure where you want to go, travel booking site Wander lets you search based on your overall travel budget. AB8BA3D00000578-0-image-m-10_1437475174844.jpg' alt='Active Serial Killers In The Uk What Do They Call' title='Active Serial Killers In The Uk What Do They Call' />What was Ian Brady really like Journalist Peter Gould gained a unique insight into the Moors Murders mind through an extraordinary exchange of letters that lasted. Head teachers to report parents if children play Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty. Parents are in danger of being reported to police by their childrens head teachers if they allow them to play video games for over 1. A letter sent by a group of schools in Cheshire raised concerns about the levels of violence and sexual content young people are being exposed to by playing games such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, which are renowned for their violent characters and have an 1. It warns that if teachers are made aware their pupils have been playing these video games they will contact police and social services. Scroll down for video Nantwich Education Partnership sent a letter to parents warning them it will report them to police or social services if they become aware children are playing violent 1. Call of Duty The letter, sent by Nantwich Education Partnership, said allowing children to play these type of games on Xboxes and Playstations is deemed neglectful. It comes amid fears children could be left more vulnerable to grooming and abuse by being exposed to early sexualised behaviour as well as extreme brutality, often seen in video games in the upper age classifications. The letter says Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Dogs of War and other similar games, are all inappropriate for children and they should not have access to them. Nor should they have Facebook accounts or interact on sites or media or messaging sites like Whats. App that are not designed for their age. Nantwich Education Partnership covers 1. Cheshire. The letter also warns If your child is allowed to have inappropriate access to any game or associated product that is designated 1. Police and Childrens Social Care as it is neglectful. The teachers claim the games can expose children to sex and violence, making them vulnerable to abuse. There is now more pressure on teachers and social workers to report concerns about children after David Cameron announced they could face up to five years in prison if they do not speak out about suspicions children are being neglected or abused. Department for Education guidance on safeguarding also urges school staff that they have a responsibility to identify children who are likely to suffer significant harm. Headteacher Mary Hennessy Jones, who helped draft the letter, told the Sunday Times We are trying to help parents to keep their children as safe as possible in this digital era. The letter was sent by a group of primary and secondary schools, warning people over the dangers Video games with an 1. Call of Duty allows players to take on the role of a blood thirsty soldier in a number of violent scenarios arming themselves with an arsenal of weapons including rifles, pistols and grenades. The game has been mired in controversy, with Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik claiming he had trained himself to kill his 7. Games such as Grand Theft Auto are renowned for their violent scenes and brutality towards women Grand Theft Auto is well known for its violence which includes carjacking, gambling, killing and simulated sex with prostitutes. Last year Grand Theft Auto V was removed from the shelves of Australian stores Target and Kmart amid fears that the game glamorises violence against women. However the message from Nantwich Education Partnership has been criticised by parents as going too far, and threatening parents rather than helping them. Margaret Morrissey, of Parents Outloud, told the newspaper Accepting the huge concerns about these violent games and their effect on children, I think the schools are stepping outside the realm of what is probably acceptable. But she acknowledged that there is no a huge pressure on teachers to report safeguarding concerns, placing them in an impossible situation. CONTROVERSIAL CALL OF DUTY GAME LINKED TO EXTREME VIOLENCE Call of Duty allows players to inhabit the role of a blood thirsty soldier in a variety of grusome scenarios. Gamers are armed with machine guns, rifles, pistols and grenades and play a fast paced game of kill or be killed. Charlie Chan At The Wax Museum Download Music. Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik claimed he had trained himself to kill his 7. Head teachers to report parents to police and social services if they let their children play Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty. Letter sent to parents warning about. The BPS works to raise awareness of the many ways in which psychology can have a positive impact on the world. Here you can read up on our latest news, explore BPS. Call of Duty. French terrorist Mohammed Merah also played Call Of Duty before killing three soldiers and four civilians including a rabbi and three children in Toulouse in March 2. The violence in Call of Duty has been criticised by the London Jewish Forum, the British Muslim Forum and Church of England ministers. Call of Duty 3 shows soldiers running through London while bombs explode and buildings crash to the ground. In one controversial scene a soldier causes a Tube train to derail and explode. Other graphic scenes show aerial attacks on New York and grenades exploding in Paris and Berlin. When news of the Certificate 1. Mediawatch UK as being in incredibly poor taste. Call of Duty 2 also caused outrage when it was revealed players could kill civilians. There are currently at least 4. Call of Duty titles. In Call of Duty gamers are armed with an arsenal of weapons and encouraged to take part in violence.